Phishing? I didn't bring the worms tonight!

Phishing is a very common threat in the world of Internet. Phishing is when somehow someone has gotten hold of your contact information (whether through hacking or other means or maybe it was published by someone on their website). Whatever the means may be, phishing is essentially a way for people with bad intentions to get at the information that they need to cause serious harm to a person's finances.

If they get enough information, they can apply for credit cards, loans, mortgages etc, without your knowledge. If they get your credit card, they can empty it pretty much instantly.

I know what you are thinking. How can they do this? Well simple, they make an email that looks like one of the emails a bank or credit card company that you do business with could send out. They say they need to confirm things. They give a link which goes to a website which looks a lot like the banks. When you enter your information, they now have it.

What to do to prevent this from happening? Simple, always make sure you type in the address of the bank properly. "" or similar of the addresses you type in for your bank or other sites you visit. Never click on any links in any emails. They have a tendency to look exactly like official emails but are not.

Hey, I am back and plan to continue the posts again. Stay tuned.  Meanwhile see fyi below.

Sony investigating big new hack attack


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