Personal Branding - A Personal Journey

As I already mentioned in the Introduction article this is going to be a journey.  The first thing one would do in a Journey (at least as per my own point of view) is to decide what it is they want out of that journey.  From a personal branding point of view.  I wanted to find out what it is that I possess that is of any value to myself.  Secondly I wanted to find out how much of that is of value to the readers of this blog.  As mentioned in the meaning of free article, the value of "free" is enormous if.  However, before this can be of real value to anybody else, it must be of value in my own mind.

So without further ado, here is what I went through.

Soul Searching

Perhaps to some this is the easiest step, but to others this is not always the easiest.  Don't be afraid if you fall within either of those categories.  You, like myself, are simply a different human being.  In many ways unique.  That's what makes you the most valuable resource.  See its the differences you have to others around you that makes you the most valuable.  What a concept eh?  Oh by the way did I mention I'm Canadian?

You see, even though I started soul searching and found that differences are the most valuable traits I have.  I also have traits that are similar.  This also has many values.  For example, I can identify myself as a Canadian.  to me, that has value.  It also means I have some traits which are easily recognizable to others who are not in this country, but in the world generally.  For example, Canada has one of the most connected (internet access wise) group of people in the world.  Which makes us a technology friendly country, and all the opportunities that goes with it.

The Point

Ok, Enough talk.  Here is the ultimate point I'm trying to make.  In order to find the true value in anything, one must be willing to see deep inside that thing.  However, its value may be increased as well in one situation to the next.  For example, I'm valuable as a consumer of electronic goods (Big fan of Android smartphones and netflix), as well as a provider of services related to internet (I'm a web developer).  There is value in both because I can help companies and individuals achieve many things on the web, and I help companies like Sony, Google, and Netflix with my patronage.  See my value here?  Well, I certainly do.

See you next article.


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